Regex reference
Character Classes
[characters]Matches any character found in characters.see an example
[^characters]Matches any character not found in characters.see an example
[first-last]Matches any character in the range of characters from first to last.see an example
.Wildcard. Matches any character except \n.see an example
\p{category}Matches any character in a category of unicode characters, specified by category. To see what you can use for category, check out the supported unicode general categories and the supported named blocks.see an example
\P{category}Matches any character not in a category of unicode characters, specified by category. To see what you can use for category, check out the supported unicode general categories and the supported named blocks.see an example
\wMatches any letter, decimal digit, or an underscore.see an example
\WMatches any character except a letter, decimal digit, or an underscoresee an example
\sMatches any white-space character.see an example
\SMatches any character except a white-space character.see an example
\dMatches any decimal digit.see an example
\DMatches any character except a decimal digit.see an example
Character Escapes
\rMatches a carriage return.see an example
\nMatches a newline.see an example
\tMatches a tab.
[\b]Matches a backspace. Note that it must be enclosed in brackets to have this meaning.
\fMatches a form feed.
\eMatches an escape.
\vMatches a vertical tab.
\aMatches the bell character.
\octalMatches a character, where octal is the octal representation of that character.see an example
\xhexMatches a character, where hex is the two digit hexadecimal representation of that character.see an example
\uunicodeMatches a unicode character, where unicode is the four digit hexadecimal representation of that unicode character.see an example
\ccharacterMatches an ASCII control character specified by character.
^Matches the beginning of the input.see an example
$Matches the end of the input, or the point before a final \n at the end of the input.see an example
\AMatches the beginning of the input. Identical to ^, except it is unaffected by the multiline option.see an example
\ZMatches the end of the input, or the point before a final \n at the end of the input. Identical to $, except it is unaffected by the multiline option.see an example
\zMatches the end of the input, without exception.see an example
\GMatches the point that the previous match ended. Used to find contiguous matches.see an example
\bMatches any word boundary. Specifically, any point between a \w and a \W.see an example
\BMatches any point that is not a word boundary. Specifically, any point not between a \w and a \W.see an example
Grouping Constructs
(subpattern)Captures subpattern as an unnamed group.see an example
(?<name>subpattern)Captures subpattern as a named group specified by name.see an example
(?<name-previous>subpattern)Balancing group definition. This allows nested constructs to be matched, such as parentheses or HTML tags. The previously defined group to balance against is specified by previous. Captures subpattern as a named group specified by name, or name can be omitted to capture as an unnamed group. For more information, check out Morten Maate's tutorial on matching nested constructs.see an example
(?:subpattern)Noncapturing group. Allows the use of parentheses without subpattern being captured into a group.see an example
(?enabled-disabled:subpattern)Allows subpattern to be matched with different options than the rest of the pattern. Any inline option characters in enabled or disabled will enable or disable specific options, respectively. To see what inline option characters are available, check out regular expressions options.see an example
(?=subpattern)Zero-width positive lookahead assertion. Continues matching only if subpattern matches on the right.see an example
(?!subpattern)Zero-width negative lookahead assertion. Continues matching only if subpattern does not match on the right.see an example
(?<=subpattern)Zero-width positive lookbehind assertion. Continues matching only if subpattern matches on the left.see an example
(?<!subpattern)Zero-width negative lookbehind assertion. Continues matching only if subpattern does not match on the left.see an example
(?>subpattern)Prevents backtracking over subpattern, which can improve performance.
*Matches previous element zero or more times.see an example
+Matches previous element one or more times.see an example
?Matches previous element zero or one times.see an example
{n}Matches previous element exactly n times.see an example
{n,}Matches previous element at least n times.see an example
{n,m}Matches previous element at least n times and at most m times.see an example
*?Matches previous element zero or more times, but as few times as possible.see an example
+?Matches previous element one or more times, but as few times as possible.see an example
??Matches previous element zero or one times, but as few times as possible.see an example
{n,}?Matches previous element at least n times, but as few times as possible.see an example
{n,m}?Matches previous element at least n times and at most m times, but as few times as possible.see an example
Backreference Constructs
\numberMatches the value of a previously captured group, specified by number.see an example
\k<name>Matches the value of a previously captured named group, specified by name.see an example
Alternation Constructs
|Functions as a logical or. Matches any elements that it separates.see an example
(?(subpattern)yes|no)Treats subpattern as a zero-width assertion to check if it matches. If so, attempts to match with the yes subpattern. Otherwise, tries the no subpattern. The |no part is optional.see an example
(?(group)yes|no)Checks if a previously defined group was succesfully captured, specified by group, which can be a number or a name for a named group. If so, attempts to match with the yes subpattern. Otherwise, tries the no subpattern. The |no part is optional.see an example
$numberSubstitutes the value of a group, specified by number.
${name}Substitutes the value of a named group, specified by name.
$$Substitutes the $ character.
$&Substitutes the entire match.
$`Substitutes all input text found before the match.
$'Substitutes all input text found after the match.
$+Substitutes the last group that was captured.
$_Substitutes the entire input.
(?enabled-disabled)Changes options in the middle of a pattern. Any inline option characters in enabled or disabled will enable or disable specific options, respectively. To see what inline option characters are available, check out regular expressions options.
(?# comment)Inline comment, not evaluated as part of the pattern.see an example
# commentEnd of line comment, not evaluated as part of the pattern. The Ignore Whitespace option must be enabled to use this.see an example
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